10 Key Facts about the Colombian Emerald Our precious gem

Colombian emeralds, recognized as the most precious green jewels in the world, not only dazzle with their radiance, but are imbued with a rich history and a cultural legacy. Here we present 10 key facts that every enthusiast of these beautiful gems
should know about our emeralds from


  1. Colombia, land of the most beloved Emeralds Colombia holds the title of the world’s leading producer of emeralds, not because of the amount of stones xported, but because of the value they are given in international markets. The most prominent mines, such as Muzo, Chivor and Coscuez, have gained renown for the exceptional quality of their stones.
  2. The Intense Green: Distinctive Characteristic of Colombian Emeralds The Colombian emerald is distinguished by its intense and deep green, the result of the presence of elements such as chromium and vanadium. This unique color is one of the reasons why these gems are so valued all over the world.
  3. Historical Bond: Indigenous Worship and Spanish Conquest Before the arrival of the Spaniards, indigenous civilizations, such as the Muiscas, used emeralds in ceremonial rituals. With the Spanish colonization, these gems became a coveted valuable, marking a very special milestone in the history of Colombian emeralds, considered the most beautiful in the world, not only for their physical properties, but because they were the Colombian emeralds the most appreciated by the most important crowns in Europe, appreciating them as true works of art.
  4. The Mythical Lagoon of Guatavita: Scenario of Rituals with Emeralds The Laguna de Guatavita, a sacred place for the Muiscas, was the scene of ritual ceremonies involving emeralds. The famous legend of “El Dorado” has its roots in these rituals, where emeralds and gold were thrown as offerings.
  5. Ethical Commerce: Challenges and Advances in the Emerald Industry The extraction of emeralds has faced challenges in terms of ethical trade, but at present, there is a growing drive towards more sustainable and responsible practices, with an emphasis on responsible mining and the well-being of local communities, through the generation of legal employment and mining practices monitored by national authorities, such as the National Mining Agency, the Ministry of Mines and with the support of Aprecol (Association of Emerald Producers) and Fedesmeraldas.
  6. Emeralds and Astrology: Mystical Meaning of these Gems Mystical properties are attributed to emeralds, being symbols of love, abundance and protection. Some cultures believe that these gems strengthen memory and intuition, giving wisdom to those who possess them.
  7. Royal Jewelry: Emeralds in Crowns and High Jewelry Colombian emeralds have been chosen to adorn the crowns and jewels of royalty and high society of all time. Their timeless elegance has turned these gems into protagonists in historical and ceremonial events, sowing in collective memory, a special love for Colombian emeralds.
  8. Quality Standards: Certification and Authenticity of Emeralds The authenticity and quality of Colombian emeralds are backed by international certifications. In Colombia, CDTEC GemLab is the laboratory in charge of promoting research projects and certification of emeralds, gems and minerals.
  9. Global Market: High Demand for Colombian Emeralds Colombian emeralds are highly valued in the global luxury jewelry market. Their persistent demand is due to the unique combination of color, purity and the history that surrounds them. The Colombian Association of Emerald Exporters #Acodes works to ensure transparency and trust in the industry.
  10. Bright Future: Innovation and Preservation in the Emerald Industry As time progresses, the emerald industry in Colombia seeks innovation and preservation. Sustainability and technological development initiatives are shaping a bright future for these emblematic gems. #ASOCOESMERAL is the Colombian Association of Emeralds Trade, which promotes the promotion of national emerald in the Colombian market. This is how Colombian emeralds are not only precious stones, but also guardians of a rich cultural and natural heritage. His legacy, rooted in indigenous history and marked by the Spanish conquest, continues to shine on the world stage as a symbol of the exceptional beauty of the land of eternal spring, #Colombia.