Boyacá contributes 99% of the country’s emerald production
Trade alliances with countries such as China and India placed the Colombian emerald above its main competitors (Brazil and Zambia) in 2018, with exports exceeding
Trade alliances with countries such as China and India placed the Colombian emerald above its main competitors (Brazil and Zambia) in 2018, with exports exceeding
Last year was not the best for emerald production in the country. It is a business tied directly to luck. As the miners find a
Zambia and its Emerald Lion When we speak of emeralds, we refer very frequently to Colombia, and also to Brazil, but it is noteworthy that
Although the emerald zone of Boyacá is still far from becoming a haven of peace and progress, some changes are already beginning to be seen
Legend has it that emeralds are tears of sadness for Fura, the first woman on Earth. Today they are stones with high value and beauty.
The world’s largest green stone producer has unearthed a 5,655-carat emerald crystal at its mines in Zambia. The stone, which weighs more than 1.1 kg
In the first six months of the year, the value of the gemstone grew by 4% but exports fell by 6%. Entrepreneurs of the mining
Bogotá, Entrepreneurs from the world’s mining and emerald industry will seek to boost exports of the Colombian green gem in the international market, as they
Brazilian mining company takes the lead in mining and emerald cutting. Brazil has contributed to the world of colorful and precious gems with one of
The president of Fedesmeraldas points out that although the production of the stone has dropped, the international price allows them to maintain their leadership. The